BBE Sonic Stomp Pro Maximizer Pedal

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Our Click and Collect service is available at our Guildford store from 10am - 6pm Monday to Saturday, and 11am - 5pm on Sunday. You can either choose click and collect as your delivery option online or, during store opening hours, call our sales team at 01483 456777 to place a 10% deposit.

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Please be aware that, unless you have paid a deposit to reserve the item, it will continue to be free, both online and in-store, for another customer to buy. Therefore we would advise you to place a 10% deposit by either using the on-line click and collect service or calling us 01483 456777.


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Product Description

The BBE Sonic Stomp Pro is the next generation of the ever popular Sonic Maximizer in a compact pedal format. Re-engineered to offer musicians extended dynamic range, up to +14dB, a lower noise floor, and the flexibility to adjust the mid-range content of your signal via the Sonic Stomp Pro's Focus control.

Key Features

Focus — This is a mid-range control that is centered around 650Hz and 700Hz. Setting this control fully-clockwise will provide a +5dBu boost, while turning it fully counterclockwise will cut mid-range by -3dBu. If you're looking to capture the traditional mid-range response of BBE's 482i and 882i rack devices, set this control to noon (-1dBu).

+14 clip LED — The Sonic Stomp Pro offers up to +13dBu of headroom. This LED is a warning indicator and will only become active if the level of your signal exceeds +13dBu. Under normal operating conditions, this LED should never illuminate.


  • 4th Generation Sonic Maximizer
  • Proprietary BBE Pro 2153 Engine
  • +14dB of Dynamic Range
  • Focus (Mid-Range) Control
  • True Hardwire Bypass
  • Through-Hole Construction PCB
  • Compact Pedaboard-Friendly Design
  • Top-Mounted Input, Output and DC Inlet