Premium & Boutique Delay Pedals

Premium & Boutique Delay Pedals

If you're a tone connoisseur looking for the ultimate delay pedal to embellish your guitar sounds, only a premium or boutique delay pedal will meet your demands. Luckily for you, there are quite a few options available.

There are powerful delay workstations available, offered by the likes of Strymon, Boss and Eventide. These multi-delay pedals provide you with entire palettes of different delay sounds, from classic tape echos to obscure digitally-processed delays. Often boasting tap tempo functions and MIDI connectivity for greater control over their parameters, these all-encompassing delay pedals are perfect for those that love to experiment.

High-end delay pedals aren't limited to just these comprehensive examples. That's because you can also find handwired boutique delay pedals, offered by the likes of Catalinbread and Mad Professor.