
Chorus Pedals

Nothing adds more richness and “sheen” to your guitar tone than a chorus! Here at Andertons, we have an enviable selection of chorus pedals that can elevate your tone ten-fold!

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Chorus Pedals

The sound of a chorus pedal will take anyone back to the ‘80s. Well, certainly anyone that remembers it! Designed to enhance your sound with sweet modulation, chorus pedals deliver a gorgeous and lush “doubled” tone akin to that of 12-string guitars. Chorus stompboxes therefore work particularly well on clean amp settings, but some players have been known to use them with overdrive and distortion effects — namely Dean DeLeo of Stone Temple Pilots!

There are plenty of options too, with analogue chorus pedals known for providing bold, old-school “vintage” tones while their digital counterparts tend to sound clearer and are more tweakable. There’s a raft of companies that build chorus effects too, with the big-hitters like Boss, Electro-Harmonix and Strymon remaining as popular as ever while the likes of TC Electronic, Tone City and Landlord FX make great affordable chorus pedals.

If you’re keen to learn more about chorus stompboxes, particularly with regards to how they work, then check out our Ultimate Guide to Chorus Pedals!