Epiphone Les Paul Guitars

Epiphone Les Paul Guitars

Renowned for its singlecut shape and stunning resonance, the Les Paul guitar is arguably one of the most popular musical instruments of all time. Unveiled in 1952 by Gibson, and designed in collaboration with renowned musician Les Paul, it offered a sound and aesthetic the likes of which no one had experienced before.

Over the years, Les Pauls have been brandished by artists the world over – notable names include Jimmy Page, Slash and Joe Bonamassa, to name a few. Gibson produce a killer range of affordable Les Paul models through their Epiphone brand. These officially-licensed designs offer the trademark aesthetics and snarling sound at a more affordable price point. Features like Flamed Maple tops, burst finishes and vintage-style humbuckers still make a regular appearance!

Ranging from single-coil beginner models to eye-popping signature models, there’s something on offer for everyone. If you’d like to know more about the Epiphone Les Paul guitar range, go check out our Epiphone Guitars Buyers Guide for more information about this stunning model