EVH Wolfgang Standard Guitars

EVH Wolfgang Standard Guitars

Around since 1996, the Wolfgang guitar has become well-established and is distinctive for its offset, singlecut-style body shape. After Eddie Van Halen left Music Man, who produced a signature model for the legendary axeman in the early-to-mid '90s (later becoming the Axis), Eddie switched to Peavey and together they designed the Wolfgang.

Heavily derived from the Music Man Axis, the Peavey Wolfgang still featured the same essential features, including a dive-only Floyd Rose tremolo, a pair of punchy humbuckers and a comfortable Maple neck. However, the Peavey Wolfgang featured an arched top akin to a Les Paul instead of a conventional flat body.

Fast-forward to 2009, and Eddie unleashed a new version of the Wolfgang under his own EVH brand; built by Fender. Almost identical to his Peavey models, the EVH Wolfgang featured newly-designed pickups and a compound radius fingerboard for improved playability. The EVH Wolfgang Standard models are built in Mexico and are the most affordable guitars in the EVH range. Fitted with the essential features, the most recent versions come with Baked Maple fingerboards and are available in a variety of colours, with some even boasting stunning Quilted Maple tops!