PRS McCarty Guitars

PRS McCarty Guitars

The McCarty was created as a tribute to Ted McCarty who was heavily involved in the initial success of Gibson in the '50s and '60s. McCarty ended up mentoring Paul Reed Smith and he created the McCarty model. The McCarty eventually became discontinued but due to popular demand was resurrected as the McCarty 594 with a slightly shorter scale length of 24.594”.

The modern iteration of the McCarty 594 is balanced to play and has a warm tonal response. It’s also easier to bend the strings than the standard 25” scale length models and as such, you can use heavier strings without really struggling. Other than that, the McCarty is made in the USA in the same way that core models such as the Custom 24 and Custom 22 are made and are an excellent example of PRS class. They’re built to the highest standards, using the highest quality materials available and truly stunning guitars.