Captain Lee Anderton's Rig

Captain Lee Anderton's Rig

With over 30 years of experience playing, selling and purchasing guitars, Lee knows a thing or two when it comes to gear - so let's take a look into what his go-to guitars, pedals and amps are!

Lee has multiple rigs; practice rig, video rig and home setup. We've done our best to compile Lee's favourite gear, as well as some alternatives that won't bust the bank.

Not everyone has as much access to equipment as the Captain does - owning a guitar shop definitely has its perks. So, it's safe to say that Lee has tried his fair share of gear and knows what he likes and why!

Lee has a passion for all things Blues and Rock. His signature low-gain sound and tasty vibrato has made him a firm favourite with our YouTube following. With the pick of the shop, Lee often finds himself wielding a classic Les Paul or Stratocaster. That being said, when he's got some down-time he can often be found playing an ES-335 through a compact practice amp like the Yamaha THR30II or Blackstar Fly.

When it comes to pedals, the Captain has a few firm favourites including the TC Electronic Ditto Looper and Thorpy FX "The Dane", as well as few new favourites like the Walrus Audio Eras Five-State Distortion and Strymon El Capistan.

Q & A with Captain Lee Anderton

What was your first guitar?

Piano - gave up, Clarinet - gave up, Bass Guitar - gave up. Then I said ‘Can I play the Guitar?’ And Dad said ‘you’ve got to buy your own’ - So I saved up some pocket money and I bought my own Acoustic Guitar.

What do you look for when buying a new guitar?

I’ve tried thousands of guitars in my time, but I like to keep things simple. I know what I like and I’ve found It amongst my rather modest collection. My advice would be to choose a guitar that you get an instant connection with.”

What's your classic, go-to setup?

"As long as I’ve got an amp with reverb in it, a drive pedal that gives me a sound I like and the option to put in some echo (which invariably people then say ‘can you turn that off please because it’s making everything too mushy’) I’m happy!"

Check out our YouTube channel to see more of the Captain's gear in action.