Great Eastern FX Co. XO Variable Crossover Frequency Splitter Pedal

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Our Click and Collect service is available at our Guildford store from 10am - 6pm Monday to Saturday, and 11am - 5pm on Sunday. You can either choose click and collect as your delivery option online or, during store opening hours, call our sales team at 01483 456777 to place a 10% deposit.

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Please be aware that, unless you have paid a deposit to reserve the item, it will continue to be free, both online and in-store, for another customer to buy. Therefore we would advise you to place a 10% deposit by either using the on-line click and collect service or calling us 01483 456777.


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Product Description

The XO splits the input signal into High and Low bands, which then can be processed via two independent effects loops. By using the simple interface, you can intricately manipulate how your signal is split connecting to the multiple inputs and outputs.

Key Features

  • Simple User Interface – Easily dial in the exact settings you want with the simple controls for more effective dialling.
  • Send Button – Swap the High and Low sends over without any hassle.
  • Crossover Frequency Knob - The Crossover frequency knob moves the centre frequency up and down, controlling what portion is sent to each band.

Here's what Great Eastern FX Co. says:

Whether you want to restrict a particular effect to just one part of the frequency spectrum – fuzz on just the lows, for example, or reverb on just the highs – or combine different effects on the two bands at the same time, the XO opens up a whole host of creative possibilities.

And for bass guitar, the ability to apply effects to the mid and high frequencies while leaving the lows untouched effectively means that no guitar pedal is off-limits.


  • Return Balance - Adjust the relative level of the two effects returns.
  • Send – Swap the High and Low sends over with repatching.
  • Dry Blend – Turn clockwise to mix in the pre-send dry signal.
  • Range – Optimise the range of the Frequency knob for guitar and bass.
  • Phase – Put the High and Low bands in or out of phase.