
TC Electronic Spark Mini Booster

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stock availability
0 at our Guildford Store
0 at our off-site Warehouse
Want to Click and Collect or try items at our Guildford Store?

The store is open 10am - 6pm Monday to Saturday and 11am - 5pm Sunday and bank holidays.

The stock information shows the quantity of units that are available to purchase at the Guildford store and the quantity of units that are available at our off-site Guildford warehouse. These stock levels are updated in real time.

Our Click and Collect service is available at our Guildford store from 10am - 6pm Monday to Saturday, and 11am - 5pm on Sunday. You can either choose click and collect as your delivery option online or, during store opening hours, call our sales team at 01483 456777 to place a 10% deposit.

If you have placed your order online, you will receive a confirmation email of your order and a separate follow-up text or email to confirm when your item is ready for collection.

Please do not come to the store before you have received the follow-up message, as your order may not yet be ready at the store.

If the only available stock is in our off-site warehouse it can be brought to the store location for you to try - you just need to contact the store within opening hours. Please note any requests received after 3.30pm will not arrive at the store until the following morning.

Please be aware that, unless you have paid a deposit to reserve the item, it will continue to be free, both online and in-store, for another customer to buy. Therefore we would advise you to place a 10% deposit by either using the on-line click and collect service or calling us 01483 456777.

SKU: 960802001

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Product Description

The TC Electronic Spark Booster has earned its stripes as one of the most proficient yet affordable level boost options on the market. With the Spark Mini, they've aimed to take this winning formula and turn it into an even more accessible, practical option that'll take up half the space on your board! 

Big Sound, Tiny Enclosure!

The Spark Mini delivers a totally clean boost with just the right amount of tonal enhancement to work wonders on anyone's signal chain!

You've got a massive 20dB at your disposal; whether you're after an always-on signal boost for a crispy response, or a leg-up for those crucial lead parts, this nifty unit conceals everything you need! 

One Control, Loads of Tone

Don't let the Spark Mini's single control fool you; although it works perfectly as a clean booster, a slight tweak of the control will reveal a world on sizzling sweet spots! 

It'll push the front end of your rig into a wonderfully organic driven sound, perfect for hot blues licks, twangy funk parts and metal riffage alike.

Revolutionary Switching

The PrimeTime feature is a unique feature that allows the pedal to somehow detect whether you're using the footswitch as a toggle or as a 'hold' function. We're not sure how it works, but it does! This is yet another feature that gives this pedal functionality that's way bigger than its size suggests! 

Key Features:

  • Discrete analog circuit with up to 20dB of clean boost
  • Easy, single-control interface
  • PrimeTime - seamless switching between latch and momentary modes
  • Small footprint - will fit any pedalboard

Please note: this pedal does not take a 9V battery, only a DC power supply (not included!)