Choosing The Best Instrument...

While we all love getting our hands on new gear, there's no denying that it can be stressful at times. Whether you're a guitarist, DJ, drummer or anything in between, there's so much choice that it's difficult to know where to a start.

Fear not - we've put together a comprehensive series of guides full of useful advice and recommendations. It's not gospel, but we've done the research so you don't have to - so kick back and get those creative juices flowing!

Only the best musical gear

When we say ‘best’, we don’t always mean the cream of the crop. ‘Best’ means something different for everyone – and here at Andertons Music Co. we aim to make sure that you get the best for you!

Whether you’re a beginner taking your first musical steps, a professional looking to expand your setup, or anything in between, we’ll aim to cater to your needs. Our world-class selection of instruments and musical gear covers just about every playing style and ability.

The ‘best’ gear is also going to vary depending on a number of things. You might be after a Les Paul that’s great for blues. Or perhaps you’re after an audio interface that lets you record on the go. It’s all about genre, budget, instrument type and discipline – but don’t fret, we’ve got you covered. We’ve sorted a selection of guides and product categories to point you in the right direction!