Gibson Murphy Lab Collection Guitars

Gibson Murphy Lab Collection Guitars

What is the Gibson Murphy Lab?

Murphy Lab is an all-new division within Gibson's world-famous Custom Shop, dedicated to the art of ageing guitars using the most sophisticated technology and tools available. Led by specialist Tom Murphy, each member of his team is trained to use his unique processes and specifications in order to provide distinct levels of realistic age and wear — ranging from 'Ultra Light' to 'Ultra Heavy'.​

What Makes Gibson's Murphy Lab Guitars Special?

Each Gibson instrument that undergoes the Murphy Lab treatment is a true work of art. These models take a completely separate path through the Custom Shop — receiving the new Murphy Lab lacquer formula and precise hand-applied techniques.​

Which Gibson Models Are Featured in the Murphy Lab Collection?

The Murphy Lab Collection comprises various iconic guitars taken from Gibson's "Golden Era" of the '50s and '60s. Reissued in painstaking detail - from their laser-scanned dimensions to chemically-recreated plastics and colour-matched shades - all elements of these spellbinding guitars are as "period-correct" as possible. These incredible instruments represent the culmination of decades of work by the Gibson Custom Shop's highly-skilled team — a tireless quest to bring accuracy and authenticity to the hands of fans.