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Jumbo Acoustic Guitars

The jumbo is the largest member of the acoustic family, known for its hefty low-end and pronounced curves.

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Jumbo Acoustic Guitars

The jumbo acoustic guitar was popularised by Gibson in the 1930s. As Martin pioneered the dreadnought shape in the early 20th Century, Gibson sought to produce something more alluring, both in sound and aesthetic. The result was the Gibson Advanced Jumbo, which later became the Super Jumbo (SJ-200).

Compared its other big-bodied brother, the dreadnought, the jumbo has a more curve-centric design. A wider, lower bout and a relatively slim middle results in an alluring set of curves, with the body often going a little deeper than other models. This design offers a distinct resonance; loud, warm and perfectly suited to hard-hitters. If you strum hard, the jumbo will respond in kind! Many also observe a brighter top-end, though this often depends on the tonewoods used.

Our jumbo acoustic guitar selection features some of the biggest names going; Gretsch, Faith, Gibson and Sigma, to name a few. If you’ve got any queries about our selection, please get in touch with us – otherwise, go forth and browse below!